Bestfeeding - How to Breastfeed Your Baby - A Review

Bestfeeding - How to Breastfeed Your Baby - A Review : I have a new favorite breastfeeding book to recommend to my clients: Bestfeeding - How to Breastfeed Your Baby by Mary Renfrew, Chloe Fisher and Suzanne Arms. I have always kept the latest copy of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League and I will continue to do so as reference. But Bestfeeding is an easier read; meant more to actually be read than used as a reference tool.

How to Breastfeed Your Baby - A Review

The first thing you notice about this book is its wonderful use of photographs, drawings and textbooks to emphasize its points. There are so many pictures of babies and boobies that it makes the sometimes troublesome subject of positioning and attachment obvious. For cultures such as the US and UK, where breastfeeding babies in public is not a common sight, these photographs can provide as powerful a message as the words themselves.
They also artfully use illustrated drawings for things that cannot be photographed externally, such as the proper positioning of the nipple at the back of the baby's mouth. And text boxes - they perfectly utilize this tool to emphasize the most important information, including a section on myths and facts towards the end of the book.

The other reasons I love this book are its accurate information and its use of common spoken language. I have seen several other books where either it is a great read, but inaccurate information or great information, but written in an academic style. This book is perfect for everyone from the teenage mom to the experienced one. It is an enjoyable afternoon read - two or three at the most.

I am reluctant to say that if you can only read one book on breastfeeding it should be Bestfeeding, but I would say this book should be your first read. It is powerfully persuasive and I think you will discover you want to learn more. It is most definitely a book that should be in the lending library of every doula, midwife and childbirth educator.

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