Wela Slimberry Review - Is Wela Slimberry Just Hype?

Wela Slimberry Review - Is Wela Slimberry Just Hype? : This article will do a Wela Slimberry Review. I've been reviewing the Wela Slimberry Online MLM opportunity for the past 6 months and watching the leader board to see if people are really getting results with this opportunity. In order for any person to succeed with a home based business, several components MUST be in place.
Wela Slimberry Review - Is Wela Slimberry Just Hype?

Regardless of the quality of the product or stability of the company itself, an effective and simple marketing system must be in place before the average person can make money working from home. Here are several MUST HAVE ingredients of a truly successful work at home opportunity:
Ingredient 1: A Consumer-Driven Product
Wela Slimberry's product line consists of one product at this time. Wela's product is a synergistic formula which contains optimal daily intakes of the vitamins and minerals needed to support today's fast paced lifestyle. From adults to children, from athletes to the elderly, everyone can benefit from this simple yet powerful product.
The product initially came in chewable tablet form, but beginning in December, 2010, the product became a liquid in a bottle which is consumed through an "eye dropper" in concentrated form. The product is ionic mineral based, and claims to provide the bodies needed mineral requirements in concentrated form. The company website claims that Slimberry is no doubt one of the most complete nutritional supplements in the market today. They even offer a free sample of the product to consumers who wish to "Try it Before they Buy it!"
Ingredient 2: An Effective Marketing System 
When she first started trying to earn money from home, Dana Glover-Trenchfield (Wela's top distributor) was given the nickname "MLM Loser!" Glover states, "I could never find a fit with the right company as far as a combination of a pay plan, marketing system, and product. The piece that was always lacking was the marketing system. The fact that in MLM you're so dependent on what your downline does in order to be successful was crushing to me. I had no more friends and family left to chase."
Frustrated, Glover partnered with Wela Slimberry marketing system which appeared to lack most of the pitfalls that doomed her previous unsuccessful ventures. "What sets Wela apart, is the fact that they have a turnkey marketing system that does the advertising and recruiting for you. This helps the average person who doesn't know how to build a business.
The Wela Slimberry system and business is $49.95 per month for every distributor and includes a monthly auto-ship of one bottle of product (Which is all that is required to tap into the full compensation plan), well-designed replicated landing pages which are very professionally presented and obviously designed by experienced Graphic. 
Designers, a build in auto-responder that trickle markets to people who sign up as "Free Tour Takers" and a system that adds free tour takers into the distributor's back office on a monthly basis. The distributor can purchase Guaranteed Tour Takers, which also counts as part of the commissionable monthly volume, so everyone is encouraged to sign up for leads which generates additional commissions.
The idea behind the successful marketing strategy is to keep the distributor away from friends, family, three way calls, and other intimidating practices that contribute to the high failure rate of most novice marketers.
Ingredient 3: Income Potential
Glover says of the income potential with Wela, "The Wela Slimberry marketing system automates the entire business-building process. Dana's income jumped from practically nothing to $30,000 a month over the past two years, and that's because she only targets programs with automated systems designed for the average person to succeed. That type of massive income is easy to accomplish with Wela Slimberry because the compensation plan is extremely lucrative and includes fast starts, matching bonuses and generous residuals.
From a financial perspective, Glover says her family is debt free and has their children's college paid for. "It's a tremendous blessing to be in a position to help others.
We'll see where John Penny, CEO takes the company, but it seems to be a debt free company, offering a simple and high quality product with a very simple, duplicatable product and state of the art marketing system that is tech save on the back end, but designed for a newbie who can simply send out post cards.

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